Representing Stanton SoCal in Boise

Do you remember the cold snap in late March?  We had beautiful sunny weather here in Southern California, and then the temps dropped almost overnight. It wasn't unbearably cold, but when you have the mindset of "spring is here!" it can be rather annoying to have the weather change direction, even for a few days.

I happened to take a short plane ride to Boise, Idaho the very day that cold front hit the West - which during my 4 day stay in Boise translated to snow flurries and bitterly cold wind gusts. Thankfully, I'm from the Southern California mountains and came prepared for the forecasted cold. However, when I found myself standing out in the elements the warm coat offered little consolation while my nose was freezing.

Why was I in Idaho, you ask?

I flew into Boise to represent Stanton Healthcare of Southern California at the annual Stanton Healthcare banquet, to meet with Stanton founder Brandi Swindell about the progress of our pregnancy centers in SoCal, and to strategize with pro-life leaders from around the country.

Top: the banquet hall ready for 500 Stanton Healthcare supporters. Bottom left: My name in the program! Right: I fought back tears more than once when sharing about our work in Southern California.
At the Stanton banquet, I had the opportunity to speak to the gathered crowd of 500 friends and supporters about the successes and challenges we have faced here in Southern California as we fight for life. I showed photos from our Mountain Pregnancy Resource Center in Crestline including several precious babies who were saved from abortion, and photos from our ongoing Stanton Mobile RV renovation project.
I also shared with the attendees the message that Stanton SoCal is committed to the Stanton Healthcare vision of offering real choices for women through professional, compassionate and Christ-centered care.
Stanton SoCal is the first affiliate of Stanton Healthcare, and we have the honor of leading the way in the mission to directly compete with Planned Parenthood and other so-called "women's health" centers. Our goal is to become known throughout the High Desert and mountains of Southern California as an organization that cares about women, their babies, and their families as we work to put abortion clinics like Planned Parenthood out of business in our community.
Currently, our Mountain PRC in Crestline is running full steam ahead, and babies are being saved while their mothers are shown God's love in a safe environment. Norine, the director of the PRC, is seeking out another location in the Lake Arrowhead area at which to offer medical services including ultrasound.
Our Stanton Mobile Pregnancy Medical Clinic project is moving along, albeit slowly, as the donated RV is being renovated in Orange County. We are not sitting around in the meantime, though! I am preparing our training materials, clinic resources, and advertisement campaign for the day when the Stanton Mobile is ready to hit the road. That day is when I will be asking you and all our other supporters to join me in putting the Stanton Mobile to work. We will need client advocates, trained nurses and sonographers, baby and maternity item donations, and financial support. Please be in prayer as to how you can support the Stanton Mobile and assist us in bringing real help to women in the High Desert and beyond.
Thank you, once again, for your faithfulness and continued prayers for Stanton SoCal. We believe God will do mighty things through our meager offerings, and He will lead us to victory in the fight against the culture of death in our community.
As always, you can follow us on Facebook for regular updates. Please share our info with friends and family!
For Life,
Danielle Versluys

Director, Stanton SoCal