Babies on the Big Screen

When you take your tour of the Stanton Mobile in 2014, be sure to stop for a moment and admire the new 32" flatscreen, high definition television that hangs on the wall.  

Just this week, a generous friend of Stanton saw a TV on sale in Costco and thought of us.  He knew our great need for the TV and decided to purchase it.  Because of this gift, the Stanton Mobile will be equipped with a large TV on a swinging arm that can be used for educational videos and, most importantly, as a large ultrasound monitor. 

A portable ultrasound machine's screen is roughly the size of a large laptop screen, and it will be placed near the mother's head.  Our plan for the TV has always been to install the large screen on a swinging arm at the foot of the exam table, so that the mother can look forward in comfort and any of her family members or friends in the Mobile can see the image as well.  

Imagine being a mother who takes that first look at your kicking baby on the ultrasound monitor. What joy to be treated to an extra large image of your baby's beating heart and tiny hands!  We at Stanton are thankful for this thoughtful gift, which brings us one step closer to a fully-equipped pregnancy medical clinic.  

If you are interested in supplying items or would consider a monthly commitment to put the Stanton Mobile on the road, please stop by our Mobile page for more info.  The list of equipment is listed on the right column.  Thank you!