Another day, another challenge - but the work continues!

Dear Friend of Stanton,

This spring has been busy, especially in the Stanton Mobile. We’ve had the privilege of scheduling 67 appointments in the clinic and following up with many clients through our StantonCare program. Walking with our clients through what is often the most challenging season of their lives requires sensitivity and wisdom. We are thankful for our Client Care Coordinator, Roxy, who navigates every scenario imaginable with compassion. 

Supporting and caring for abortion-vulnerable women is truly a blessing. Thank you for being so committed to prayer and financing so Stanton can continue this critical work.  

Recently, we had to make a major purchase to keep the clinic doors open - tires! As many of you know, they can be expensive, and the Mobile required 6 new tires. One thing to note is because the clinic doesn’t travel far from its storage location, the tread was not an issue. The reason for replacement was cracking and weather damage from our brutal desert temperatures. 

The cost of six new tires was significant. 

In total, it cost us over $1100 to replace all 6 tires. Now, it may not seem like a lot of money. However, Stanton SoCal is a small non-profit medical ministry that is 100% donor-funded. Therefore, this unexpected bill impacted our budget.

Please consider making a special gift that would help cover the cost of the tires. The Stanton Mobile clinic is parked outside Planned Parenthood each week to serve the abortion-vulnerable women within the community, and we rely on your generosity to Keep the Doors of Hope Open. 

With the help of wonderful supporters like you together we provide life-affirming options to abortion-vulnerable women in addition to providing hope to those struggling from the pain of a past abortion.

Prayerfully consider donating to help cover the cost of the new tires for the Stanton Mobile. Thank you for standing with Stanton!  

To learn more visit us at our website at May the Lord bless you today. 

For Life,

The Stanton Team

Danielle Versluys